Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Standards

                Education is a big issue in America right now, and an even bigger one in Texas.  Our students have always been below average, and our student struggle to graduate.  My classmate Rosibel has addressed this issue on her blog Texans Ideology.  She talks about Texas implementing the new standard standardized test called State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR).
                I agree with her that it will hurt our graduation rates.  This test is going to be harder than the TAKS test, but it will challenge our students to work that much harder in school.  I went to a public high school, and I was amazed at how easy the TAKs test was.  It was not even a challenge to pass it.  We need a new test because right now our standards are just simply too low.
                Obviously this test will not magically turn education around in Texas, but I feel it is putting us on the right track.  I agree with my classmate that we need to have better funding for our school, but I don’t think the test is over the top.  We need higher standards, and this will hopefully give them to us.  I hope along with my classmate that this test will indeed make our students smarter, but we will just have to wait and see.

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