Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Future of Education

           Public education is always a major topic in politics, and is especially important in Texas.  Overall Texas has lower SAT and standardized test scores than most other states.  This is in large part due to the lack of funding for our public schools system.  Our governor, Rick Perry has made many cuts in the funding for public education.  The most recent of which is addressed in The Texas Tribune, by Morgan Smith.  The House and Senate have made a “historic reduction of $4 billion in financing and an additional $1.4 billion cut.”  The was in part due to governor Perry’s urges to make greater cuts, in order to make up for the budget shortfall in the coming years.

           Public education is of up most importance because it determines how prepared the next generation of adults will be for the world.  It will be up to these kids to solve the world’s problems in the future.  That is why people need to know how much funding is actually given to our schools, and how much is being taken away.

1 comment:

  1. Upon viewing Kirby’s blog on The Future of Education, my colleague has a valid persuasive point to further the educational needs of our youth to proceed into the future with fist clinched and arms swinging. To continue to fight for our future education is important for the survival of a rationalized ethnic culture. In addressing the money figures and knowing that the proposition 6 was passed, I’d like to see the figures upon that proposal raise in time. Our educational needs are important and I like to see someone kick Gov. Perry out of office and fix the educational budget instead of cutting school funding. Replace the educational opportunities that were passed on to my generation so the next can enjoy the same and if not better quality of education. Kirby, I’m right along with you on the issue of preparing our young for the future. When the time comes I’d like to see that I don’t have to fight for what the people believe is right. We will have the young and educated to do that for us with the moral support of our generation. We struggle through economic times today but do not lead this drought of employment into the future. People are stressed as it is with the funding. Why not give it back to the common people? As propositions are passed and we see the future progressing and see our education marketed as extra electives are up for grabs. Then and only then will we see progress. We are just one foot in the door.
