Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Lack of Funding

                Deborah Cannon is an editoril writer for the Austin American Statesmen.  On Wednesday September 28, he addressed the issue of funding for Texas public education in his editorial Politics aside, school funding a real plight.  He makes the argument that the funding for the Texas public educatonal system needs a very big overhaul.  He says if it is not done soon, then Texas will fall even farther behind the other states.  I completely agree will Mr. Cannon, and I think he made a solid arguemt.
                The author talk’s about how some school districts are filing a lawsuit against the state of Texas.  He goes into detail about how tragic the lack of funding for public education is in Texas.   The author’s audience is middle to lower class Texans, who cannot afford to send their kids to private school.  He appeals to them because it is their kids that are directly affected by the legislature’s decisions. 
               Proper funding for public education has been lacking for the past few years.  With even more funding cuts being made in the last session, public education is going to be hurting in the next year.  With such low funding it is hard for schools to accomedate all of their students needs.  This leads to higher drop out rates and lower performances on standerdized tests.  The author talked about how the drop out rate is high in Texas, and he backed it up with facts that say, “the graduation rate could be in the neighborhood of 70 percent to an even poorer neighborhood of 60 percent.”  He uses logic to show that with less funding for education, the dropout rate tends to be higher.
               Overall the author makes an effective argument about how Texas needs a new educational funding plan.  He gives facts to back his statements up, and knows his audience.  He appeals to them by showing how this issue directly affects them, and their children.

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