Thursday, October 13, 2011

Issues with Perry

On the Burnt Orange report, there was a post titled Rick Perry on the Issues: Stimulus Package, by Ben Sherman.  This editorial talks about the hypocrisy in Rick Perry's statements.  Perry has led Americans to believe that he has not accepted any money from the stimulus package, and talks about how bad the stimulus package is for the country.  He in fact has received 17 billion dollars from it, and has used to create jobs and plug up budget deficits.
The audience that this editorial appeals to is the liberal readers.  The Democrats are the ones that are going to be interested in Rick Perry’s shortcomings, and scandals.  I am sure Ben Sherman would like Republicans to see this editorial as well, in hopes that it will change their view on Rick Perry, but let’s face it Republicans love Rick Perry.  It will take more than one scandal to change how they feel about Perry.
Another issue with this editorial is the author’s credibility.  Ben Sherman is just a writer for a blog, which does not have as much weight behind it as a writer for a state’s news paper.  It is hard to make people listen to you, when no one knows who you are.  Ben however does help himself out by linking his work to the Austin American Statesman article where he got his information.  This helps back up his claim, and strengthens his credibility.
I personally agree with the author, and I think his argument is sound.  He comes on a little strong by flat out calling Rick Perry a “liar,” but his augment is still valid.  He calls Perry a hypocrite and backs it up by showing how Perry’s words and actions contrast each other.  Finally he shows his evidence through the article by the Austin American Statesmen, which backs up all of his claims.  What the author lacks in credibility and writing skills, he makes up for in passion.  Anyone who reads this article can tell how strongly the writer feels about this subject, which in the end I think helps his augment.

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